This formulation contains 27 native species of annual and perennial wildflowers that will thrive in your climate and local conditions. Each species was selected for their robust growth, season-long color, and benefits to local pollinators. The blend's annual species such as Gaillardia and Chamaecrista appear quickly in the first year, while perennial varieties like Echinacea and Rudbeckia will grow in strength by the second and third seasons. Watch with joy as your sunny wildflower meadow grows and evolves from year to year.
Mix No. 122
Most orders ship within 5-10 business days. In off-seasons, we may delay shipment until closer to an ideal planting time in your region. As soon as your order is placed you will receive a confirmation email. You will receive a second email the day your order ships telling you how it has been sent. Depending upon your order date, we may hold your shipment to combine it with other products on your order.
Botanical Name Common Name % Agastache foeniculum Anise Hyssop 0.96 Allium cernuum Nodding Onion 0.96 Asclepias incarnata Rose Milkweed 1.91 Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed 1.43 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed 0.96 Asclepias verticillata Whorled Milkweed 1.91 Baptisia alba White Wild Indigo 0.48 Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge Pea 4.78 Coreopsis lanceolata Lance-leaf Coreopsis 2.87 Dalea purpurea Purple Prairie Clover 2.87 Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower 2.87 Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 1.91 Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master 1.91 Gaura biennis Biennial Gaura 0.48 Gentiana flavida Cream Gentian 0.96 Helianthus pauciflorus Showy Sunflower 0.24 Lespedeza capitata Round-headed Bush Clover 0.42 Liatris ligulistylis Meadow Blazing Star 1.91 Liatris pycnostachya Prairie Blazing Star 1.91 Lobelia siphilitica Great Blue Lobelia 0.96 Monarda fistulosa Wild Bergamot 0.48 Oligoneuron rigidum Stiff Goldenrod 0.96 Parthenium integrifolium Wild Quinine 0.24 Penstemon digitalis Foxglove Beardtongue 0.96 Pycnanthemum verticillatum var. pilosum Hairy Mountain Mint 0.51 Pycnanthemum virginianum Mountain Mint 1.02 Ratibida pinnata Yellow Coneflower 0.48 Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan 5.74 Rudbeckia triloba Brown-eyed Susan 0.24 Scrophularia lanceolata Early Figwort 0.6 Senna hebecarpa Wild Senna 1.02 Solidago juncea Early Goldenrod 0.48 Solidago speciosa Showy Goldenrod 0.48 Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Blue Aster 1.43 Tradescantia ohiensis Ohio Spiderwort 2.87 Verbena hastata Blue Vervain 0.96 Veronicastrum virginicum Culver's Root 0.48 Zizia aurea Golden Alexanders 2.87 Amorpha canescens Lead Plant 0.96 Bouteloua curtipendula Side-oats Grama 15.3 Carex molesta Field Oval Sedge 2.39 Elymus canadensis Canada Wild Rye 6.7 Juncus dudleyi Dudley's Rush 0.96 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem 15.3 Sporobolus compositus Rough Dropseed 2.87 Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie Dropseed 0.96